This Honorable Court
“An extraordinary piece of television reporting … a remarkable breakthrough.””
Offering unprecedented glimpses into life inside the Supreme Court building, this two-part series explores the U.S. Supreme Court as both a source of stability and a force for social change.
Part One,The Quiet of a Storm Center, presents the history & evolution of the Court and its role as interpreter of constitutional principles. The program covers the self-inflicted damage of the Dred Scott slavery decision, efforts to stop the New Deal, FDR's attempt to pack the court, the school desegregation and civil rights cases of the 1950s and 60s, and decisions on school prayer and abortion.
Inside the Marble Temple explores the judicial process, following a Louisiana "creation science" case from arrival to decision. Justices, law clerks, opposing lawyers, Court staff and reporters are seen working inside the Court building as the briefs are filed, arguments heard, and the opinions written and handed down. The program also includes first-time interviews with and conversations among the nine justices.
Aired on PBS in 1988.
Chris Statuette, Columbus Int’l Film Festival
Silver Gavel, American Bar Association